INSTRUCTIONS - Make Priiize Digital Scratch-offs Online.
Instructions, Screenshots, and Videos.
HOW-TO VIDEOS – the 10 essential building blocks.
The ten one-minute HOW-TO VIDEOS below are for the Scratch & Win + Claim template with the Prize Claim Form. These instructions for the Scratch & Win + Claim template are the same as those for the Basic Scratch & Win template but without the Prize Claim Form. You can continue scrolling down further to find instructions for the Opt-In Form on the Scratch & Win + Opt-in and Scratch & Win + Opt-in + Claim templates.
This video section demonstrates the Scratch & Win + Claim Template. The videos that explain the Opt-In Form Options are in the next section of the videos.
Note: There is a slight change after this video was created. The 7-Day Free Trial button is located on a separate page. Your email notifier from Priiize will include the link to activate the free trial. All else remains the same.
Note: There is a slight change after this video was created. The 7-Day Free Trial button is located on a separate page. Your email notifier from Priiize will include the link to activate the free trial. All else remains the same.
This demo uses the Scratch & Win + Claim Template with the Prize Claim Form. Instructions and explanations for the Opt-In Form are below in the following section of videos.
Opt-In Form Options & Instructions
OPT-IN FORM - Facebook & Google, Email, & Cellphone, & Custom Fields Options
Note: the end of this video it refers to a follow-up video. The follow-up video is meant to be the OPT-IN FORM – Using Access Codes – 1x Use and Unlimited Codes.
OPT-IN FORM - Using 1x Use, Unlimited, and Limited Access Code Options
Prize Claim Form & Email Notifier Options and Instructions
Announcing A New Priiize Feature Available: Social Media Pixel Tracking
Need help? We’ll help make them with you, or for you. Just ask.
Details, Unique Tools, and Features for setting up the Opt-in Form, which appears on the Scratch & Win + Opt-in and Scratch & Win + Opt-in + Claim templates, among other features for prize setup, email notifiers, webhooks, SMTP, add-ons, options, etc., that are not covered on the ten videos.
This campaign utilizes Priiize’s classic scratch-off game with a Prize Claim Form. It is very intuitive and easy to use. The following steps and diagrams highlight vital features that broaden Priiize’s powerful capabilities.
All Priiize Scratch-Off Game Templates are 100% editable – add your logo, overwrite prizes, text, images, and colors.
We are using the ‘Scratch & Win Template + Claim’ Template for these instructions. The ‘Scratch & Win + Claim’ Template is the most popular template. Players who win must claim their prize won. You approve prize claims manually or automatically, and it features turnkey emails to notify winners. Capture and download all winner’s info and prizes won in Excel, CSV, or PDF.
If you plan on creating your own images, these are the image specs to follow:
The Flow of the Scratch & Win Template + Claim Template
Players will start with their game unscratched; after they scratch, their prize will be revealed after scratch-off, and finally, they will be asked to fill out a prize claim form. Prize claims can be set to either manual or automatic approval.
Start - Campaign builder dashboard
Once you are logged in, you will find it is very simple and easy to use and navigate around in, and even faster to make quick changes and revisions to manage and make scratch-offs.
This is the basic breakdown of the Priiize campaign builder dashboard.
The Priiize dashboard comprises five primary tabs, each with a sub-tab set.
Each Sub-tab has a Vertical menu. You click through each tab and edit as you go. Each template has a campaign pre-populated in it. You can delete or write over the content to customize with your branding each step of the way.
1. Enter your Basic Info
How to Select a Template and Customize Prizes as Text or an Image.
Tap image to the left - 4 minutes/25 seconds
Opens in a new window
(A) Name your Scratch-Off Game Campaign – this is the default template. You can add your own campaign name and description or leave what is there for now while you explore Priiize.
B) Campaign Type – this will be set to “Scratch & Win [Claim]. Large plans will have multiple Campaign types in its drop-down menu.
C) Time Zone – this is very important to select the time zone your campaign will run in. This will tie-in the dates coupons and prizes are won and must be claimed by the rules you set. Click the triangle icon for your country and time zone.
2. Prizes Set-up - in Text or an Image.
Note: When you start a new campaign, there will be placeholder prize images and a company logo that you will replace with your images or use the ones we provide for free in our image library.
OVERVIEW to make scratch-offs
(A) Prize Image – if you upload a prize image it will display in the box.
TIP – If you use a Prize Image it will also display in the Prize Claim Email Notifier – using an image will bypass the 14 character limit per line using text for prizes displayed as text, not an image. (Shown in the screenshot under “EMAIL NOTIFIERS for Prize Claims” towards the bottom of this page)
B) Description – prize description will display here. Make sure to be specific when naming a prize in this “Description” column. There should be no duplicate named descriptions.
C) Prize Type – Prize identifiers display here.
(D) Total – the total number of prizes you allot to give away for each prize. You can add, delete or pause prize allotments on the fly.
(E) Winner/Loser – total number of Winners or Loser who have Won to date. Winners/Losers are updated in real-time as people play through the game. Hit your refresh button to clear your computer cache to ensure you are viewing the latest totals. You can add, delete, or pause prize allotments in real-time on the fly.
(F) Pending – total number of prizes left in inventory to date.
(G) On/Off Status – turn any prize on or off in real-time during the campaign. This feature is good to use for campaigns that run for weeks or months at a time. You can “Pause” and space out grand and high-value prizes evenly and turn on “Live” to be won in order to keep engagement and excitement going at a high level.
(H) Edit a prize – click the blue pencil to edit a prize.
(I) Trash – trash a prize by clicking on the trash can icon.
(J) Add Prize – click the blue button to add a new prize. You can add as many prizes as you want. There are no limits.
(K) Reset Prizes – by clicking this button, it deletes winners and losers and brings column ‘E’ back to zero (0) to start fresh. Use this feature when building and testing a game and just before the game goes live to your audience. If you added Prize Validation Codes and or Opt-in Access Codes these will be deleted after “Reset Prizes” and will need to be uploaded again for the actual game.
Prizes set as an IMAGE – Column (A) will display the prize image, and the description will appear in Column (B). Click the blue pencil icon in Column (H) to set up or edit a prize. All templates are prepopulated with a prize image as a placeholder. To set up or edit a prize, click the tab “IMAGE” and upload your prize image to overwrite the default prize image and description. Or, delete the image and use it as TEXT instead.
Prizes set as TEXT – Column (A) will be empty, and the prize TEXT will appear in Column (B). Click the blue pencil icon in Column (H) to set up or edit a prize on the tab “TEXT.”
How to Add More Prizes.
Tap image to the left - 1 minute/3 seconds
Opens in a new window
Note: Download this PDF if the text in the diagrams below is too small to read. (PDF)
Prizes set up – you can create your prize to display in plain TEXT or as an IMAGE. The choice is yours.
Add a New Prize to display as Text
(A) Click the Blue “Text” button – if you upload a prize image, it will display in the box
(B) Description – add a prize description here. This will be displayed on the prize square under the scratch-off pad. Text cannot exceed 20 characters per line; no two should be named the same.
IMPORTANT NOTE: During the testing check, check the “Prize” column in the “Game Winner Prize Claims” report (Step 5. Campaign Result > Game Winner Prize Claims) to make sure prize name descriptions are clear and concise. Make sure each prize is clearly stated what it is and named differently.
For example, if you are rewarding several different book titles, do not name each prize “Book.” during prize setup. Add a descriptive word or title so they are distinguishable from each other—rename prizes as necessary.
(C) Prize Total – This is where you type in the total number of prizes allocated for this prize. Ten winners will win a “10% Off” prize in this example.
(D) Validators – Note: We recommend setting it to “Manual” – The software sniffs players’ IP Addresses. If people play from multiple devices, have cookies turned off, or are in a Browser’s incognito mode, they could bypass the system.
It is best to set prizes to be manually approved to control situations like this, especially for high-value prizes. Each prize won will have its own unique Prize Claim Number and Admin Validation Number to keep your records. Doing this will prove that a prize is won and validated, especially if there is an accidental or nefarious attempt to claim multiple prizes unless your game rules allow this.
(E) Claim Form – Click “On” or click “Off” in the fill-in fields (circled in orange) you want Winners to provide you on their Prize Claim Form. You can set up each prize claim to have different fill-in fields.
For example, if you give away a low-value prize like a 10% Off Coupon, you could select only their ‘First Name’ and ‘Email Address’ and set (D) Validators to “Auto Approve” for the least friction for data acquisition. If you were giving away a high-value prize, like a trip to Disney World, you would probably want their full name, street address, and phone number, and set (D) Validators to ‘Manual Approve’ to review and check over first and not automatically approve the prize claim.
(E) There are only two fields that have to be active on the prize claim form and cannot be turned off, which are the “First Name” and “Email” fields.
Add a New Prize As An Image
Determine what your prizes are and upload each prize image on your scratch-off campaign.
TIP: If you want to create prize images but don’t have access to Photoshop use or Picture To People creation tools to make stunning prize images, backgrounds, and logos for free to make scratch-offs.
(A) Click the “Image” button and it will highlight to blue when activated
(B) Image – Choose File – click this icon to upload your prize image to your scratch-off game. Prize images sized at 300 x 300 pixels at 72 dpi are ideal.
(C) Prize Name – type in the prize name. This is just for reading the prize description on the prize panel. It DOES NOT display along with the prize image. If you want to use text, you have to embed it on your prize image to be read on your game.
(D) Prize Description – type in the prize name. This is just for reading the prize description on the prize panel. It DOES NOT display along with the prize image. Be specific, no duplicates.
(E) Prize Total – type in the total prize allotment for this prize.
Validators – Note: We recommend setting to “Manual” – The software sniffs players’ IP Addresses. If people play from multiple devices, have cookies turned off, or in a Browser’s incognito mode, they could bypass the system. It is best to set prizes to be manually approved to control situations like this, especially for high-value prizes. Each prize won will have its own unique Prize Claim Number and Admin Validation Number to keep your records. Doing this will prove that a prize is won and validated, especially if there is an accidental or nefarious attempt to claim awards multiple times unless your game rules allow for this.
IMPORTANT NOTE: During the testing check, the “Prize” column in the “Game Winner Prize Claims” report (Step 5. Campaign Result > Game Winner Prize Claims) to make sure prize name descriptions are clear and concise. Make sure each prize is clearly stated what it is and named differently. For example, if you are rewarding several different book titles, do not name each prize “Book.” during prize setup. Add a descriptive word or title, so they are distinguishable from each other—rename prizes as necessary.
3. TAB 3 Preview - Setting up your Game Customization & Previews
(A) Menu – Horizontal Navigation Tabs – each tab in this menu is to adjust settings, customizing and editing.
(B) Menu for items within each tab in the horizontal menu – customization of each module.
Add Your Logo, Headline, and Other Text
How to Add Your Background Color/Image, and Logo Text/Image
1 minute/32 seconds
Opens in a new window
GENERAL OVERVIEW SOME OF THE TABS – explore each tab; it is intuitive and easy to use. We will highlight a few so you become more familiar with them.
(A) “Global” Tab
As you click on the horizontal menu, the items in the vertical menu change. This is where you will upload your company logo, or if you do not have a logo, you can type in a name in Logo Type adjust the font size and color.
(B) Logo – customization.
LOGO IMAGE: Start with fitting your logo on a 600×300 image, so it shrinks on mobile devices and displays large on desktop monitors.
If you want a color background to appear behind your logo, then upload your logo with a transparent background in either a .png or .gif format, or make the background color.
(C) Logo – upload a logo image or type it manually as one line of text to fit within the dotted line box. Keep it at one line, not more; otherwise, it will not display correctly.
(D) Text – type in your company name here. If you upload an image, ignore this setting.
(E) Logo Text size – if you typeset your logo.
(E) Logo Color – if you typeset your logo. Click on the black color box, and it will open up to a color picker tool.
(G) Logo Height – if you want to set a logo image to a specific size using this; otherwise, ignore it. Priiize will automatically size your logo to fit the maximum area for mobile phone best practices.
(H) Logo Padding Height Adjustment – move a logo higher or lower from the top monitor edge.
Our platform works by centering everything and adjusting it in the middle, not horizontally, from the top down. We must do this to accommodate all the different screen sizes worldwide. Our game was designed to have up to 3 lines of text.
Note to Graphic Designers: If you do not want to not use 3 lines of headline text and things don’t quite look balanced to your taste your options are:
1. Add more or less bottom or top to the logo image
2. Add three lines of headline text and play around with the font size. This will push content upward and downward more.
3. Add one, two, or three lines of headline text and make the text color the same color as the background or transparent, so it is hidden against the background, and play around with the font size. This will push content upward and downward more.
4. Make the play now button and “Rules, Terms, and Conditions” text larger
5. Create a logo that is more stacked and deeper and looks good centered and not so linear.
Upload a custom 128x128px "Coin Scratcher" Image.
Click (A) Preview tab > (B) Play tab > (C) Turn on button to change Scratch Coin Image > (D) Upload Image (must be 128×128 pixels. Free coin scratcher images are available here for download.
FREE TRIAL – Skip this step and move on to “Add Rules, Terms, and Conditions” if you are following the instructions “How To Build a Scratch-off Game” for the free trial.
'Opt-In' To Play Form
'Opt-In' To Play is available on 2 templates: the Scratch & Win + Opt-In, and Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim templates.
OPT-IN TAB – this is the first screen a player sees, they will need to opt-in and agree to your rules, terms, and conditions typically like agreeing to receive future promotion offers in order to play and win prizes.
(A) “Opt-In” Tab – click it.
(B) Text Before – Customize the text before the Facebook and Google buttons.
Click the other tabs to edit text on this form and the “Play” button.
DO NOT USE QUOTATION MARKS, single or double, or EMOJIs in your description fields, as they will prevent the opt-in form from working.
The Opt-in form can be set in the following ways. The two videos below explain each option:
- You can turn each of the Facebook and Google opt-ins on or off.
- You can have the Email form on.
- You can add a custom field for a cellphone or phone number.
- At least one of the three fields listed above must be turned on. Do not repurpose this in any other way.
- Opt-ins Facebook, Google, and Opt-In Code are programmed to prevent people from playing multiple times if they have cookies turned off or privacy mode on. These three opt-ins will also prevent attempts at fraud.
- Note about the Facebook opt-in option- If a player registers their Facebook account using a cellphone number instead of an email, their email address cannot be captured. Only their first and last name will be used.
- Use either set of opt-in methods highlighted in red or green in the screenshot below. Do not combine sets. Do not mix the “FB, Google, and Email Options” with the “Access Code” method on the Opt-In page. You can’t have both. It is either or. The winner’s prize claim emails will not work if you turn them all on together.
OPT-IN FORM - Facebook & Google, Email, Cellphone, & Custom Fields Options
OPT-IN FORM - Using Access Codes - 1x Use, Unlimited & Limited Access Codes
Editable Opt-In Form
Turn on or off Facebook and Google Opt-Ins, and or Add a Custom Field
Click Preview TAB 3 > (A) Opt-In Tab. By default, the Facebook and Google icons display. To turn them off click (B) Facebook and click the blue circle with the checkmark. Repeat the same for (C) Google (Gmail).
To add a custom field for a cellphone number, or any other information you want to capture click (D) Additional Fields to add a custom field. (scroll down to the next photo).
Make Priiize for Scratch!
(D) Additional Fields. Click the blue-button “+ Add New” > Enter the custom field name (in this example, we typed in “Employee Number.” If this field is mandatory, click the blue circle with the checkmark to activate it. Then click (G) to “Save.”
Unique 1x Use Access Codes Opt-In Form
Turn on Access Code Opt-In and upload your one-time use access codes, or an unlimited-use access code or promo code.
Click Preview TAB 3 > (A) Opt-In Tab. By default, the Facebook and Google icons display. To turn them off click (B) Facebook and click the blue circle with the checkmark. Repeat the same for (C) Google (Gmail).
To add a custom field for a cellphone number, or any other information you want to capture click (D) Additional Fields to add a custom field. (scroll down to the next photo).
Consider implementing our new opt-in access code feature to ensure an exclusive group of virtual scratch card campaign participants.
Opt-in Access Code
Players will receive their opt-in code based on the criteria that you determine. Set up custom single-use game access codes manually or upload multiple access codes from an Excel spreadsheet to your game. Each person must enter their access code to play your virtual scratch-off game. You can provide your audience with a global or unique code and set the access codes to limited or unlimited use.
Opt-in Access Codes – Instructions (PDF)
Instructions: How to find and delete duplicate access codes (PDF)
Always check your access codes for duplicates before uploading, whether you created the codes yourself, co-mingled multiple lists, or used an online service to make the codes for you.
1000 Free Unique Access Codes to be used for testing only (ZIP Download)
Opt-in Access Code Feature
Players will receive their opt-in code based on the criteria that you determine. Set up custom single-use game access codes manually or upload multiple access codes from an Excel spreadsheet to your game. Each person must enter their access code to play your virtual scratch-off game. You can provide your audience with a global or unique code and set the access codes to limited or unlimited use.
Click (A) Preview > (B) Opt-In > (C) Opt-In Code > (D) Opt-In Code to activate the Opt-In Codes option. The (E) Access Code window will display. Click the blue button Upload Opt-In Codes. You can upload code bulk on an Excel spreadsheet or copy and paste or type codes by hand. You can use your unique codes or use an online service. If you need an online service to generate access codes in bulk, there are (F) links to two services that will create unique codes online that you can download in Excel for free.
STEP 2 – There are two options to choose from.
Click the first tab (A) Global Opt-In Code Pool > then click the blue button (B) Upload Global Access Code Pool.
Type in code(s) by hand or copy and paste from a Word, Notepad, or Excel doc in the text field (A) Opt-In Codes* > Select (B) Unlimited if you want to offer unlimited use of your code(s); then click Save.
Click (C) Limited and type in the exact number of access code(s) in the (D) User Count* field; then click Save.
If you want to upload access codes on an Excel spreadsheet, follow these steps.
Click (A) Individual Opt-in Code Pool, then (B) Upload Individual Access Code Pool.
If you want to upload access codes on an Excel spreadsheet, follow these steps.
There are two options to choose from: (B) Type in access codes manually, or copy and paste from a Word, Notepad, or Excel document > then click (C) Save > and click (F) Back to leave the page.
Bulk upload access codes on an Excel doc in (D) Drop files here or click on the upload box > click (E) Upload Opt-in Code and click (F) Back to leave the page.
Your uploaded codes will appear on the (A) Individual Opt-in Code Pool page.
NOTE: Do not mix the “FB, Google, and Email Options” with the “Access Code” method on the Opt-In page. You can’t have both. It is either or. The winner’s prize claim emails will not work if you turn them all on together.
Never Use Special Characters or emojis in any form.
IMPORTANT NOTE! – DO NOT put single or double quote marks, apostrophe marks, or Emojis in any Fill-in Fields descriptions or Additional Fields boxes. Browsers will read it as hypertext markup language and could make your game not display correctly, mainly if you use an Opt-in Form template.
Add Rules, Terms, and Conditions
How to set the Rules, Terms, and Conditions text.
1 minute/16 seconds
Opens in a new window
The Rules, Terms, and Conditions text is totally editable to customize with your own or use the default text supplied with each template and replace (Company Name) and other text in brackets with your own. If your game is set for people to play one-time-only, you should state it. If your game is for employees, it should also be stated in the rules.
(A) Click Step 3 – Preview > then (B) Global Tab > (C) Rules, Terms, & Conditions navbar link > (D) Enter your rules, terms and conditions text > lastly, click (E) “Save.”
Option: "ACCEPT" Rules, Terms & Conditions of your game to proceed and play.
Some industries are required by law to have players accept rules, terms, and conditions before they can play.
With this feature, a player must "Accept and Agree" to the Game Rules, Terms, & Conditions before they can play and win a prize.
Set button to "Mandatory"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
The Rules, Terms, and Conditions text is totally editable to customize with your own or use the default text supplied with each template and replace (Company Name) and other text in brackets with your own.
NEW FEATURE: Social Media Pixel Tracking
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat + more provide Social Media Pixel Tracking for advertisers using their ad services. These pixels help track users and conversions originating from your social media ads.
Instructions: Add your Social Media Pixel Tracking codes – go to (A) TAB 3 PREVIEW > (B) PLAY Tab > (C) Social Media Tracking. Then, add your pixel tracking code in either the (D) Header Script or (E) Body Script boxes per instructions from your social media company. Tracking pixels also works with Google Analytics.
You will see your ad’s pixel-tracking results and reports on your social media dashboard(s).
Scratch-off Pad - Customization
How to set the Scratch-off Pad Customization as Text or an Image
Tap image to the left - 0 minute/46 seconds
Opens in a new window
PLAY TAB – customize the “Scratch-Here” pad colors and small text at the bottom of your virtual scratch-off card
(A) “Play” Tab – click it.
(B) Scratch-off Pad – Customize colors and font sizes. You can set the text by hand or upload an image. The “Play Here” will default display white text on a black scratch-off pad. You can also upload an image instead, but you must embed the text on the image.
An image will override the text version. Prize images do not have to be square. They can be a circular color dot, a star shape, or a photo. Make it a PNG or gif with a transparent background outside the round art.
100s Free Backgrounds and Scratch-off Card Images – Free Downloads
(C) Background Color – Customize the color of your ‘Scratch-Here” pad with your typeset text.
Winner Prize as Text (not an image)
PREVIEW > PLAY TAB – Customize play and replay settings prizes and gift reveals here.
(A) “Winner” Tab – click it.
(B) Prize “Winner” Pad – Customize colors and font sizes for prize boxes, claim validation, submit button, and fireworks. Fireworks explode for 5 seconds in the background on a winning scratch-off. It looks very cool and adds to the excitement. Fireworks can be turned on or off.
Option: "Cookies" must be "On" and "Privacy" turned off to play. This prevents players from playing multiple times when you don't want them to or in a Wi-Fi environment.
A new update is in place that will prevent players from playing your game with cookies turned off or playing in a public area using Wi-Fi. They cannot submit a prize claim if the “Next Play” setting is “Never Again” or between the period you determine. For example, if the Next Play game setting allows players to play 1x per week, this will prevent them from playing again until the week is up.
(A) Facebook and Google cookies must be on to proceed.
(B) If players opt-in via email, they can only play and submit a prize claim by the Next Play setting you determine.
(C) (1) Cookies have to be turned on to submit a prize claim form. (2) If a player opts in using the general “Email” field, they can only play the number you predetermine in the Next Play setting. For example, if Next Play is set to one-time or never again, they cannot make additional prize claims by accident or on purpose.
(A) – Foolproof and most secure method. – Follow these instructions.»
Prize Claims - Limit Time For Next Time To Play and Setting Prize Claim Expiration Date.
How to set how many times or limit the number of times someone can play your game using the "Next Play" setting.
Tap image to the left - 1 minute/2 seconds
Opens in a new window
There are two settings to be aware of, one is “NEXT PLAY” which is the time delay or time limit you set for someone to be able to replay your game again. The second setting is “TIME EXPIRATION” which is the time limit you set for winners to be eligible to claim their prize or forfeit their prize.
Set the Time Limit to Re Play Again – in hours, a day, week, month, or never.
- To allow people only one-time to play set it to “Never Play Again.”
- To let people play only one-time a day, set it to “End of Day.”
- To have people play over and over set to “Immediate Replay.”
- For Custom Hours (read instructions in item 2) – if you want people to only be able to play one-time a week set it to 168 (hours) or every other day set to 48 (hours), etc.
(A) “Next Play” Tab – click it.
(B) Next Play After (Hours)* – Set the time that players can play your game again. Set it by hours, end-of-day, custom number of hours, or set it to an exact day and time on the (C) Custom Hours– the system calculates “Custom Hours” by the number of hours you set for a player to play again. In the example below, the desired amount of time was 1 WEEK. You calculate 24 (hrs in a day) x 7 days (for a week), and it is 168 hours until the Next Play After.
This ties in with the Time Zone selected when you started your game.
How to set the Prize Claim Expiration Date
How to set the Prize Claim Expiration Date
Tap image to the left - 0 minute/59 seconds
Opens in a new window
PREVIEW > CLAIM EXPIRATION TAB – Customize prize claims here.
(A) “Claim Expiration” Tab – click it.
(B) Claim Expiration After (Hours) – Set the time that players can claim their prize. Set it by hours, end-of-day, custom number of hours, weeks, months, etc, or set it to an exact day and time on the (C) Calendar. This ties-in with the Time Zone selected when you started your game.
Prize Claim Email Notifier - Approve and Deny Emails
How to set Winner Prize Claims to be Approved and Denied manually or automatically.
Tap image to the left - 1 minute/12 seconds
Opens in a new window
NEW! Loser Email Notifiers are available on templates using Email, Facebook, or Google on the Opt-In Form.
How to place a logo image in the Priiize Email Notifier.
Video Instructions: How to place a logo image in the Priiize Email Notifier.
1min 26s video.
Some corporate email servers have very strong spam filters. If emails are going into spam contact your IT department to white list emails from
There are also spam keyword triggers to avoid using in your email notifiers. They are:
1. Congratulations
2. Access
3. Winner, Win, Winning, Won, or, You are a Winner
4. Prize or Prizes
5. Now
6. Claim or Claims
7. Free
8. Here
9. Dear
10. Hello
11. Performance
12. Gift Certificate
13. Free offer
14. Access
15. For you
16. Please read
17. Phone
Here is the full list of 394 spam trigger keywords Hubspot recommends not using in emails: This is good to know in general for any of the other keywords to avoid using in marketing emails blasts.
Prize Claim Form
The Prize Claim Form is available on two templates, the Scratch & Win + [Claim], and the Scratch & Win + [Opt-In] + [Claim] Templates.
PREVIEW > CLAIM FORM > TITLE TAB – Customize your claim form here.
(A) “Claim Form” Tab – click it.
(B) Customize Settings – Set the text, notes, colors and button for your Winners Prize Claim Form, Note, Email Notifier, and more.
How to Bypass the Prize Claim Form and use your own.
If your country and industry have severe privacy issues and do not allow players’ data on servers other than your own, turn off Priiize’s email notifier and use your email via a webhook to send, receive, and store data acquisition.
Create text and prize "Claim Status" in any language.
Prize Claim Form
PREVIEW > THANK YOU > CLAIM SUBMITTED TAB – Customize your players Prize Claim form here. Let them know their prize claim is under review for approval. Review to approve or reject and notify them back from within your admin panel with one-click.
(A) “Thank You” Tab – click it.
(B) Claim Submitted – Customize your prize claim text, approval and reject email text, claim expiration cause, and CTA (Call to action link).
Add Custom Fill-In Fields On Prize Claim Forms
CLICK (A) PREVIEW > (B) CLAIM FORM > (C) ADDITIONAL FIELDS > (D) Field Name – Add and customize additional fill-in fields on your PRIZE CLAIM FORM. In the example below we added “Employee ID Number” as a custom field. Click (E) + Add New to add more custom fields. They will populate under the last field in your form. They cannot be re-positioned to a different row. You can turn on and off by clicking the blue circle check mark and delete the field by clicking the “X” at the end of it’s row.
CTA FEATURE - Now in addition to a CTA button and text link you can also add an image and link it on "Loser" and "Thank You" pages.
CTA - (Call To Action) Add an Image and Link
Editable CTA (Call To Action) Image with Link.
To add an image and hyperlink, click the “Image Visible?” button to activate and click “Choose File” to upload your image. And to insert a hyperlink, insert it in the “URL*” in the fill-in field. Then set the “Image Height*” and “Image Width*” pixel dimensions.
NEW FEATURE: ‘SHARE TO FACEBOOK’ – Click here for instructions (opens to a new page) or ‘Share to Facebook’ Setup Instructions:(PDF) download.
Example of a "WINNER" CTA Addon
Example of a "LOSER" CTA Addon
Add a clickable CTA (Call-To-Action) to display under the prize reveal. Link the CTA image, button, or text link to a landing page on your website to fill out a form, CRM landing page, or Webhook to an app you are already using, such as Google Sheets, Salesforce, MailChimp, Slack, etc.
CTA - (Call To Action) Add a Button and Text Link
(Released April 4, 2021) Editable CTA (Call To Action) Button and Text Link on Winner and Loser page reveals on all 4 templates.
Use to link a URL to a external web landing page, shopping cart, deals page, SMS web page, social network, scheduling calendar for demos and appointments, order forms, web forms, video, etc.
To Locate: Click (A) “STEP 3” Tab > (B) “WINNER” Tab > (C) “CTA” Link > (D) Click “Button Visible?” to turn on > (E) Change wording, colors, font size and color, button size and color, and customize with your URL.
To Locate: Click (A) “STEP 3” Tab > (B) “LOSER” Tab > (C) “CTA” Link > (D) Click “Button Visible?” to turn on > (E) Change wording, colors, font size and color, button size and color, and customize with your URL.
"Share to Facebook" CTA (Call-To-Action)
TAB 4 - "Campaign Status" - Go "Live" or view for testing in "Draft" mode.
Campaign Status Admin Panel – Set game to Live, Live With Dates, or review in Draft mode, or set to Pause.
Two Links are provided for your scratch-off game – one for Live Game and the other to test your game while in development. (Also available on PDF download)
Campaign Status – Live and Draft Mode Explained:
Each campaign generates a unique URL and QR code. This is what you give out to people to play, one or the other, or both.
Select “Live” from the drop-down menu > and copy the URL and or download the QR code to use on your social posts, websites, banner ads, email, and SMS blasts, store signage, imprint on T-shirts, etc.
Select “Draft” from the drop-down menu when you want to test your game and play over and over, and then switch over to Live mode when you want to offer the game to customers and or staff.
Each campaign generates a unique URL and QR code. This is what you give out to people to play, one or the other, or both as explained here
Select “Live with Dates” from the drop-down menu when you want your campaign to Start and End on a specific day and time using the calendar and clock settings.
“LIVE” OPTION – this is is the URL link and or QR Code to give out for people to play your campaign.
“LIVE WITH DATES” OPTION – Set Start and End date for people to play your campaign.
“DRAFT” OPTION – use while testing and building your game. It will save time. You can bypass and stop a play at any time without having to fill out and complete forms every play.
More in-depth details on the TAB 4 "CAMPAIGN STATUS":
(A) Select Campaign Status to Live, Draft, Pause, Live, and Live With Dates.
(C) Live Game Link – each game generates its own unique URL and downloadable QR Code to give to your players and post on marketing materials. IMPORTANT NOTE: Only give players this (C) Live Campaign URL Link, never copy and paste the game URL from your browser to give to players.
(D) QR Code – print to your desktop printer
(E) QR Code – click to download (PNG file).
(F) Campaign Administrator URL Link – This URL is good for testing between you and team members because it allows you to play the game over and over without a time delay. It generates a “Replay” button on the game for fast replays. Always review and proof your games on a cellphone for a true representation whether using this link or the Live Game URL.
Build and test your scatch-off games in Live mode for the whole user experience, collect data, and view them on the back end. Then, before your game goes live, delete the data and bring prize allocations back down to starting numbers before your game goes active (live.)
AFTER TESTING, the Opt-In Access Codes and Prize Validations Codes must be uploaded again when you click the “Reset Prizes” option.
MASK URL OF LIVE GAMES (WHITE LABEL) – for Advertising Agencies, Corporations, Digital Agencies, Marketers, and Brand Gaming.
If you wish to white label “” in the URLs of any Live Game, replace the “” with “” and then give that Game URL to your clients to use to promote their game(s).
NOTE: The game URL generated by the QR code does not update to “”; it retains the “” within its URL.
4. TAB 5 "Campaign Results"
(A) “Facebook, Google & Email Opt-Ins To Play” Tab – click it.
Here is the complete list of everyone who filled out the Opt-In Form with the date, Provider, Email, and Name. Your opt-in list is downloadable as an Excel, CSV, and PDF doc. Toggle by clicking the “Toggle Columns” link.
4. Game Winner Prize Claims" -"STATUS" column explained.
Tab “STEP 5 – Campaign Result – Players & Prizes”
STEP 5 – Campaign Result – Players & Prizes (breakdown) PDF Download cheatsheet to share with your team.
This is the breakdown:
- “CLAIM SUBMITTED” is a prize claim submitted by a player and waiting to be approved by you.
- “CLAIM PENDING” is a prize claim submitted by a player, but they have not yet submitted a prize claim form.
- “WINNER” – a prize has been won and approved. There is nothing more to do.
- “CLAIM APPROVED” is a Prize Claim that you have approved.
This is the breakdown key per template:
1. “Scratch & Win” Template: This will display “WINNER.”
2. “Scratch & Win + Opt-in” Template: This will display “WINNER.”
3. For both “Scratch & Win + Prize Claim” and “Scratch & Win + Opt-in + Prize Claim“ Templates:
“WINNER” – Player won the prize but has not clicked on the button to CLAIM PRIZE.
“CLAIM PENDING” Player clicked on the CLAIM PRIZE button but has not filed the claim form yet.
“CLAIM SUBMITTED” Player filled the CLAIM FORM, and now the decision is Pending from the CAMPAIGN OWNER. [This only applies when Claim Validation is set to “Manual”]
“CLAIM APPROVED” Claim has been APPROVED by the campaign owner.
“CLAIM REJECTED” Claim has been REJECTED by the campaign owner.
(A) “Game Winners Prize Claims” Tab – click it.
(B) EXPORT Download Report Tab as an Excel, CSV, and PDF doc
Here is the complete list of everyone who filled out the Prize Claim Form with the date, name, address, email, phone number, prize, Claim number, validation number, and button to generate an email to Approve or *Reject claims. The emails go to the winners from within the dashboard with one-click.
(C) TOGGLE COLUMNS Select which columns you want to display in your report.
How to Reinstate A Prize Claim
If you run out of prizes by accident or a technical glitch prevents a prize claim to be processed, the winner’s claim can be brought back live into the system. This also works for “Optin” and “Losers.”
(D) Click the “Failed Prize” Tab.
(E) Click the “Revert” Tab
Then click on the “Game Winner Prize Claims” Tab to approve or disapprove the prize claim as you normally do.
The “Failed Prize” dashboard will display any player(s) who experience an issue trying to make a prize claim and cannot complete the steps to submit a prize claim form. You can see who it is, why their share did not fully process, and then “Revert” the “Failed Prize” claim to go into the Prize Claims list to approve (or deny).
A few reasons a prize claim can stall why submitting a Prize Claim are:
- Bad connection with IP provider.
- If a claim date is expired.
- The phone battery goes dead.
- It will happen if the prize claim is not made in sequential order. Sequential means:
OPTIN => PLAY => WIN/LOSS => CLAIM. - In scenario #4 above, ask the player to refresh the page. The error message will display, “Invalid request. Please refresh the page and proceed again.
Bulk "Approve" or "Reject" Prize Claims instead of one at a time.
Two Methods to Bulk "Approve" or "Reject" Prize Claims
FIRST WAY: Click the check box next to (A) “Won Date” and it will automatically check off every prize claim waiting to be manually approved. Then click the green “Approve” button at the top. Only use this method if you are planning to APPROVE everyone (no Rejects). Repeat the same method if you want to Reject every prize claim that is set to manual approval.
SECOND WAY: Click the (A) check-off box one by one next to each prize claim waiting to be manually approved. Then click the green (B) “Approve” button at the top. Only use this method if you plan to APPROVE a select number of players or REJECT a choose number of players.
EMAIL NOTIFIERS for Winner Prize Claims
(D) EMAIL NOTIFIERS Select the ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ buttons to notify Winner Prize Claims. Customize both notifiers with your custom message and how to redeem their prize or the reason why their prize claim was rejected.
GOOD PRACTICE NOTE: You can only send email notifications and not receive them. You should include your company email address and//or phone number on the default email template if a Winner or Loser needs to contact you or update their address.
NEW! Emails for Winner & Loser Confirmations – Fully explained for each Priiize Template with screenshots.
If you see IP address and Email Address displaying multiple times you can block them by each individual game, or block them globally across multiple games.
Example: IP and email put in 2 multiple Prize Claims
To Ban IP Address, click “Banned IPs” tab > click “+ Add IP Address” > copy and paste the IP Address in the fill‐in field: then click the date the block is created. If you want to send this person an email message, why they are blocked, click the “Ban Message”; otherwise, do not. Your input is automatically saved. The instructions are identical for “Banned E‐mails,” except you enter the E‐mail address instead of the IP Address is blocked.
Click “Banned” in the vertical menu
Instructions are identical for banning an IP Address and or E‐mail Address as for an individual scratch‐off campaign.
To UNBLOCK an IP Address and or E‐mail Address, click the trash can icon in their row on Individual and or Global scratch‐off campaigns.
Share game results with teams.
Hook your game results with 3rd party CRM software programs that you use, such as Google Docs, Salesforce, Hubspot, MailChimp, and ConstantContact. This is excellent for clients, teams, and marketing departments to review their game results in real-time.
Must you adhere to stringent government privacy regulations regarding data acquisition?
You can also use Webhooks with your own Opt-in and Prize Claim Forms and bypass Priiize. Companies that must adhere to stringent government privacy regulations use it to store players’ data on their servers, not Priiize’s servers.
Note about UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) – The Date and Time displayed on your Priiize Admin Dashboard are programmed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). The date and time shown on your Priiize dashboard will convert to the time zone you open your dashboard in and your Webhook reporting.
Automate campaign data with your software services.
Integrate your favorite software services with your Priiize Scratch Games with Webhook. Automate your campaign’s Opt-in and Prize Claim Forms. Use any of 100s of third-party services like Integromat, Pabbly Connect, Integrated, Zapier, and Konnectzit (each link opens to a new page out of this website). Link to 1000s of Online Apps, SMS, and CRM Email platforms you already use, like Hubspot, ConstantContact, Mailchimp, Google Sheets, etc.
Here are some apps and workflows your teams can share with a Webhook using Zapier. (opens to a new page out of this website)
Our free Webhook setup tool and documentation are ready to use on your Priiize dashboard. Start automating your data and workflows now.
1. Click “Webhook” in the vertical menu.
2. To start, click the “Add Webhook” button in the vertical menu to add your webhook details. Reference the Documentation if needed.
3. Edit Webhook – Add your Webhook details.
- Add your Webhook details.
- “Enable” or “disable” your webhook at any time.
- Clone a webhook option when starting a new campaign.
4. Webhook Documentation – Reference Webhook type and description details for setup.
5. Webhook Documentation Example – For your reference.
Bypass Priiize’s Prize Claim Form uses the basic Scratch & Win Template integrated with a Webhook. This will enable you to store winners and administrate prize claims on your server. This information would not be stored on Priiize’s servers.
MORE DETAILS WITH CTA EXAMPLES: Manage Prize Claim Data on Your Server & App Services using the Basic Scratch & Win Template.
Announcing 2 New Marketing Tools - Opt-In Access Codes and Prize Validation Codes
How to set up Opt-In Access Codes
Use the Scratch & Win + Claim, Scratch & Win + Opt-in, and Scratch & Win + Optin + Claim Templates to capture players’ data or unlock the game to play.
Opt-in Access Codes Instructions | (Instructions – PDF download)
How to set up Prize Validation Codes
Use prize validation promo codes in any of the four templates. Validate winners and prizes with unique 1x use, limited, and unlimited codes and integrate with POS systems.
Prize Validation Codes Instructions | (Instructions – PDF download)