Provide a Unique Promo Code in Email Notifications - Scratch Offs by Priiize

How to display prizes' Unique Promo Codes prominently in the winner's email notifications.

unique promo codeQUESTION:
How can I give each winner a unique promo code without sending a second email notification?

It’s simple to do. As explained above, you assign each prize a “Prize Validation Code” and place a code snippet on the prize claim email notifier; winners will see their code without receiving a second email.

To display the Promo Code on your email notifier, type in #PROMO_CODE# in the body of your email, and it will be replaced with your promo code in the winner’s email notifier. Example: “PromoCode: FREE 25”

Display the Promo Code on your email notifier type in #PROMO_CODE#


It will be replaced with your promo code in the winner's email notifier. Example: "PromoCode: FREE 25"

First, you must set up Prize Promo Codes for any prize that needs a unique promo code to redeem.

Prize Validation Promo Codes Instructions

Prize Validation Codes -  Instructions

Consider implementing our new prize validation code feature to guarantee that customers do not take advantage of your prize offers and discounts or reward more prizes than allotted by accident.

Prize Validation Codes

When creating the prizes for your campaign, you can manually set up custom single-use promo code validations or upload multiple validation codes from an Excel spreadsheet. You can also create a global code(s) or a pool of unique codes for limited or unlimited use.

PRIZE VALIDATION PROMO CODES – Instructions  (PDF download)

1000 FREE RANDOM CODES for testing (ZIP Download)

If you don’t have a Priiize account, you can create one for free to set up and try Prize Validation Codes.

Unique Code Providers: 

This feature works with all Priiize templates except the basic Scratch & Win Template.


Open Edit Prize and activate the (A) Is Promo Code Needed? toggle switch.

STEP 1. Open Edit Prize and activate the (A) Is Promo Code Needed? toggle switch


Click Tab 2 Prize > then click the prize’s (A) Promo Code icon.

Create your unique codes here or use your own:

Unique Code Providers:
Provide a Unique Promo Code in Email Notifications 1


Click (A) to Upload Promo Code

Provide a Unique Promo Code in Email Notifications 2


Drag and Drop Excel doc onto (A) to Upload Promo Code > Click (B) Upload Promo Code and then click (C) Back to Promo Code to go back.

You can only upload up to 10,000 codes at a time. To add more, repeat the process as many times as needed. If you have hundreds of thousands of codes to upload, we can arrange to do it for you.

STEP 4 Drag and Drop Excel doc onto (A) to Upload Promo Code

Your (A) Promo Code will display on the Claim Status Page and Prize Claim Email Notifier.

Your (A) Promo Code will display on the Claim Status Page and Prize Claim Email Notifier.

Your game (A) Promo Code will display on Tab 5 Campaign Result under the Game Winner Claims column, and if you are using the Opt-In Form, the Opt-In Codes will appear under the (B) Opt-In Code column.

Your game (A) Promo Code will display on Tab 5 Campaign Result

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