Reward Employees with Virtual Scratch-Off Cards for Engagement

Reward Gamification - Employee Programs.

Reward Employees Working Remotely and During Live Virtual Meetings with Priiize Virtual Scratch-off Cards Generator – Unlimited Scratchers, starting at $39.

Engaging employees working remotely boost business return on investment.

Rewarding remote employees enjoy staying committed to completing their goals. They are also more likely to engage with other team employees and share newly acquired knowledge through peer-to-peer interaction.

Reward Employees, Show Your Appreciation

Employees who feel appreciated are more committed to successfully maintaining their development and goals and less likely to underperform or feel discouraged. eGift cards and cash incentives for scratch-off card prizes are excellent choices.

Use virtual scratch-offs to reward employees during virtual meetings for better performance.

Incentivizing remote staff pays tenfold in many ways:

  • Improved job performance
  • Higher-retention
  • Improved customer service
  • Increase revenues
  • Lower dropout rates
  • Improved productivity
  • Increased performance
  • Reduced turnover
  • Decreased absenteeism

Employee Scratch-Off Promotions – Strategies & Prizes Used.

Reward employees working remotely
CLICK TO PLAY THIS PRIIIZE DEMO: Bloomberg Financial Services - Employee and Sales Top Performers Live Virtual Meetings Scratch-Offs.
This is a demo; prizes won are for illustration only and are not redeemable.

Employees who are mentally and emotionally committed to their responsibilities perform better.

  • They know it will increase their growth chances and move them up the organizational ladder.
  • Happy employees are 12% more productive than their unhappy team members.
  • Many work-specific benefits come with highly engaged employees.

Rewarding employees is more likely to encourage team members to work remotely to participate in meetings.

  • It fosters communication and collaboration among employees.
  • Employees become more active and creative in the way they learn.
  • They develop better problem-solving skills and improve performance.
  • Recognize their self-development and personal growth.
  • Hold themselves accountable for meeting milestones and achieving performance goals.

You can learn more about Priiize, and click here to create a 7-day free trial to experiment with, test, and use to reward employees working remotely.

Make scratch-and-win cards to reward employees, sales staff, prospects, and learners with Priiize. Virtual Scratch & Win Games start at $39 for 20,000 scratch-off cards.

Instructions using the pre- populated virtual Scratch & Win scratch-off cards cards template.

Popular uses for Priiize Scratch-off Games:

  • Reward and engage internal employees
  • Educate and increase awareness amongst internal employees
  • Raise public awareness
  • Facilitate learning and discovery
  • Inspire qualified applicants to submit an application
  • Unite your audience and win their loyalty
  • Develop tourism and exposure
  • Offering Promo Codes or Free Gifts
  • Attract other companies
  • Fundraising
  • Bring teams together to work in collaboration
  • Offer remote digital training with personalized follow-up
  • Motivate your Sales Team and increase sales revenue
  • Attract customers to the store with touchscreen games
  • Promote your products and services
  • Come together to celebrate an event
  • Attract the most qualified candidates to the company
  • Promote a new project or event
  • Collect Leads and Identify Prospective and Existing Customers

Fond – 15 Great Employee Appreciation Ideas for Remote Workers.

Employee Scratch-Offs

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