Share to Facebook Setup Instructions - Priiize Scratch-Offs
Share to Facebook instructions for Priiize Scratch-Off Games Generator

Share to Facebook Setup Instructions:

Priiize Scratch-off Games Generator

Priiize Image Specs (PDF download)‘Share to Facebook’ Instructions – PDF Download

Why use the Facebook Share Feature—
Our new “Share to Facebook” feature is a great way to allow your players to help promote your game by simply clicking on an image in your game. Clicking the image opens a prepopulated post with the link to your game. All the user needs to do is click Publish.

How to set up the Facebook Share Feature

  1. First, create your social share image.
    • Priiize’s built-in Facebook share feature defaults the uploaded logo as the social share image. Game creators can build their logo image to 1200 x 630 pixels which is the recommended size for Facebook posts and timeline photos. This looks best across all devices. Find detailed up-to-date social media image sizes here.
    • Additional Facebook share image tips—Logo designs should have color background. Transparent backgrounds do not show up well as a Facebook photo. You want your actual logo and any text to show up.
  1. Consider how you want the text to read when the image is shared to Facebook. In the below example, you’ll see that the Facebook’s Meta Title matches the “Campaign Name” from the Basic Info setup.
    • It is imperative to test that the feature works correctly, and you like how the image appears when published on Facebook. When testing, the image may not appear until you “Post to Facebook feed’. You’ll only see the Meta Title but not the actual image, in most cases. However, after clicking the “Post to Facebook” button, check your Facebook feed, and you should see what the image looks like when published. While testing, make sure the privacy is set to “Only Me”.2. Consider how you want the text to read when the image is shared to Facebook.
  2. Depending on the template you are using, you will see the CTA menu item on the Loser, Winner, and Thank You pages. To add the “Share to Facebook” feature, you will need to toggle the “Image Visible” option to the ON position.

To add the “Share to Facebook” feature, you will need to toggle the “Image Visible” option to the ON position.

When “Image Visible” is activated, you will see the “Share to Facebook” option.

When “Image Visible” is activated, you will see the “Share to Facebook” option.

When you toggle “Share to Facebook” to the ON position, the URL auto-fills with your game link. Adding this link to your image makes it easy for players to invite their family and friends to play for a chance to win. Here, we have already uploaded our image and set dimensions to accommodate our image.

Toggle “Share to Facebook” to the ON position.

Free ‘Share to Facebook’ Icons – Access Download
 or use your own.

Virtual Scratch-Off Games Generator.

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