Opt-in Access Codes - Instructions
Consider implementing our new opt-in access code feature to ensure that only an exclusive group of virtual scratch card campaign participants can play.
Using Opt-in Access Codes for Players.
Players will receive their opt-in code based on the criteria you determine. You can manually set up custom single-use game access codes or upload multiple access codes from an Excel spreadsheet to your game. Each person must enter their access code to play your virtual scratch-off game. You can provide your audience with global or unique codes and set the access codes to limited or unlimited use.
You can use your own internally created access codes. A single code for everyone or multiple unique access codes works fine. The choice is yours.
For employee scratch-off games, you can have them enter their unique Employee ID number to play.
Instructions: How to find and delete duplicate access codes (PDF)
Always check your access codes for duplicates before uploading, whether you created the codes yourself, co-mingled multiple lists, or used an online service to make the codes for you.
Opt-in Access Codes – Instructions (PDF)
1000 FREE RANDOM CODES for testing – Excel Doc (ZIP Download) Opens in a new window.
If you don’t have a Priiize account, create an accessible account to set up and try Opt-In Access Codes.
Opt-in Access Code Feature
Players will receive their opt-in code based on the criteria that you determine. Set up custom single-use game access codes manually or upload multiple access codes from an Excel spreadsheet to your game. Each person must enter their access code to play your virtual scratch-off game. You can provide your audience with a global or unique code and set the access codes to limited or unlimited use.
OPT-IN FORM - Facebook & Google, Email, Cellphone, & Custom Fields Options
OPT-IN FORM - Using Access Codes - 1x Use, Unlimited & Limited Access Codes
This feature only works with the Scratch & Win + Opt-In and the Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Prize Claim templates.
Click (A) Preview > (B) Opt-In > (C) Opt-In Code > (D) Opt-In Code to activate the Opt-In Codes option. The (E) Access Code window will display. Click the blue button Upload Opt-In Codes. You can upload code bulk on an Excel spreadsheet or copy and paste or type codes by hand. You can use your unique codes or use an online service. If you need an online service to generate access codes in bulk, there are (F) links to two services that will generate unique codes online that you download in Excel for free.

STEP 2 – There are two options to choose from.
Click the first tab (A) Global Opt-In Code Pool > then click the blue button (B) Upload Global Access Code Pool

Type in code(s) by hand or copy and paste from a Word, Notepad, or Excel doc in the text field (A) Opt-In Codes* > Select (B) Unlimited if you want to offer unlimited use of your code(s); then click Save.

Click (C) Limited and type in the exact number of access code(s) in the (D) User Count* field; then click Save.

If you want to upload access codes on an Excel spreadsheet, follow these steps.
Click (A) Individual Opt-in Code Pool, then click (B) Upload Individual Access Code Pool

If you want to upload access codes on an Excel spreadsheet, follow these steps.
There are two options to choose from: (B) Type in access codes manually, or copy and paste from a Word, Notepad, or Excel document > then click (C) Save > and click (F) Back to leave the page.
Bulk upload access codes on an Excel doc in (D) Drop files here or click to upload box > click (E) Upload Opt-in Code and click (F) Back to leave the page.

Your uploaded codes will appear on the (A) Individual Opt-in Code Pool page

Populate the winner’s name and opt-in code on their Prize Claim Email Notifier.
This opt-in and approval method is suitable for cross-referencing a player’s email address and the unique access code you provided them to play. This is good for games with many high-value prizes. Your staff will review and approve the person-approved prize claim and their unique opt-in code for verification. This method will ensure the winner is who they claim to be and have won the prize by reviewing their email notifier.
Using the short code below, add the person’s name and opt-in code to display on their prize claim email notifier.
Access Code: #ACCESS_CODE#
Place the shortcode in the body of the email, which is located at the “Approved Email” form at TAB 3 PREVIEW > Claim Form > Email > Edit Campaign

It will automatically populate the winner’s name and opt-in code on their Prize Claim Email Notification as in the example below.

Important Note before your campaign goes live:
AFTER TESTING, the Opt-In Access Codes and Prize Validations Codes must be uploaded again when you click the “Reset Prizes” option.

Do not mix the “Access Code” together with the “FB, Google, and Email Options.”
You can’t have both. It is either or. The winner’s prize claim emails will not work if you turn them all on together.
Opt-In Access Code Demo - Give it a try!
Scratch & Win + *Access Code + Claim Form. Use the free Access Codes for this game. In an actual game, you could use 1x Use Unique Access Codes where no two codes are identical. This demo only uses a single access code with unlimited use to see how it works.
Use Access Code 1234 to play.
*Note this demo uses one Opt-In Access Code (1234) and “Next Play” set to “Immediate Replay” for testing. In reality, you would probably use a 1x use unique access code and set “Next Play” to Never Again, or within the next an hour, day, week, month, etc.

Opt-In Access Code Demo - Give it a try!
Treasure Chest Lucky Key Promotion
This replaces the old analog metal key direct mailer to unlock a treasure chest of prizes used widely by auto dealers across the USA. It uses the Scratch & Win + Prize Claim Template. You can easily add an opt-in access promo code to these scratch-off card games.
Use Lucky-Key Number (Access Code) 2345 to play.
*Note this demo uses one Opt-In Access Code (2345) and “Next Play” set to “Immediate Replay” for testing. In reality, you would probably use a 1x use unique access code and set “Next Play” to Never Again, or within the next an hour, day, week, month, etc.2345

(Opens in a new window)
Here is one way to deliver 1x-Use Exclusive Promo Codes to players using Priiize Digital Scratch-Off Games.
There may be a situation when you want to give, in mass, 1x-use access codes to thousands of consumers, but you do not have the technical ability to send dynamic emails or SMS Text Messages with unique promo codes. Here is one workaround that may work for you quickly using Priiize out of the box.
This workaround example works for consumer and employee campaigns, not just the auto dealership group discussed in the article.

Have questions? Contact us and get a fast reply.

Thank you for using Priiize Scratch-off Games Generator.
Prize Validation Codes Instructions
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