4 Best Tradeshows Scratch-off Cards & Games and Their Demos
a screenshot of a game
Scratch-Off Card Promotion
a screenshot of a game
Scratch-Off Card Promotion
a screen shot of a scratch card game
Scratch-Off Card Promotion
Ranger Silver Bullet Scratch Off Card - use code 1234 to play demo.
Scratch-Off Card Promotion
a screenshot of a sign up form
Scratch-Off Card Promotion
a screenshot of a game
Scratch-Off Card Promotion

Tradeshow Instant Win Sweepstakes Scratch Cards for Tradeshow Exhibitors.

Make the best Custom Scratch-Off Cards with Your Branding and Prizes that drive more traffic to your tradeshow booths than any other promotion.

Trade show scratch-offs for customer engagements - Priiize

Maximize customer engagement and experiences at the tradeshow booth, exhibitions, and conferences.

Easy-To-Make Custom Scratch-Off Cards Online – Environmentally friendly – no paper or trees used – 100% digital.

Increase Traffic To Your Tradeshow Booth with Priiize, the Online Scratch-Off Card Maker.
It is excellent for capturing leads and perfect for your list builder programs. Scratch-offs work seamlessly on all cell phones, tablets, and computers.

Generate Sales and Capture Lead Generation for your business.
Target the Right Prospects—Increase Sales Efficiency.
Tradeshow Scratch-Off Promotions (Free PDF Download)

A Straightforward Solution for Business Gamification › Try 5 Free.

Prices start as low as $39.

DEMOS Best scratch-off templates for each different tradeshow booth scenario.

Priiize Digital Scratch-Off Cards: Play on any cellphone, tablet, or computer. Use at Tradeshows, Expos, Fairs, Conventions, Events, Conferences, Exhibitions, Grand Openings, etc. Increase Traffic To Your Booth. Target the Right Prospects—Increase Sales Efficiency.

Make Custom Scratch-Off Cards Online Yourself, Or We'll Make Them For You.

Use the basic Scratch & Win Template, or Collect players’ data using an opt-in form or prize claim form for list-builder campaigns and fulfillment. Download your player’s data in Excel CSV or connect with your CRM program. Play the demos below to see the possibilities.

CREATE CUSTOM SCRATCH-OFF CARDS WITH YOUR BRANDING – Upload your logo and custom prize images. Use our free images, too.

Not every tradeshow is set up the same for lead generation for exhibitors. Here are the (4) FOUR Tradeshow scenarios you can face and which scratch-off card solution is best for each case. We recommend the best Priiize scratch-off game templates based on our customer feedback. The four types of scenarios determine the best practice.

Not every tradeshow is set up the same for lead generation for exhibitors.

7-Day Free Trial with 5 campaigns.
No credit card is required.

Watch a game being built for you.
Personalized with Q&A.

Start building.
Increase traffic at your booth!

Best scratch-off templates for each different tradeshow booth scenario:

Tradeshows: Scenario #1

Capture Leads Your Tradeshow Booth Using the Basic Scratch & Win Template.

Use your tablet or cellphone at the tradeshow, or have players use their cellphones to play.

A buyer is coming to your tradeshow booth to play and claim their prize in front of you. You scan their tradeshow ID badge and collect their data from the handheld scanner. Players play their games on their tablets, so they have total control.

The tradeshow attendee shows their cellphone screen to your employee, is handed their prize in your booth, or picks it up at a nearby awards desk. In this scenario, you will set “NEXT PLAY” to “NEVER AGAIN.”

Many clients say they prefer using their tablets to have tradeshow attendees play. Using your tablet gives your employees more control plus encourages opportunities to break the ice and establish new relationships.

Play the live Demo #1 game template for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code.

This demo uses a Priiize animated GIF background that is free to download and use. Explore our free scratch-off card images.

Tradeshows: Scenario #2

Drive Foot Traffic and Capture Leads at Your Tradeshow Booth Using the
Scratch & Win + Claim Template.

Your campaign will have winners and could also include losers.

This Priiize template uses a prize claim form. Winner’s fill-in name, email, and other data from Priiize’s prize claim form.

2-Ways To Play It

Use your tablet or cellphone if people are playing in front of you. Set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay” so you don’t have to keep clicking the game URL or scanning the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

If you choose to do so, you could have tradeshow attendees use their devices to play your Priiize scratch-off cards. In this scenario, you will set “NEXT PLAY” to “NEVER AGAIN.”

If your target audience is playing remotely on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” Choose a more appropriate next-play time frame based on your needs, such as Never Again, End of Day, or a set number of hours you determine.

You would send each player your game’s URL as a text, image link, or the game QR code on signage, print, banner ads, etc., to scan and play.

Winners will fill out a prize claim form and receive an email notification after approval.

Play the live Scenario Demo #2 game template for the user experience.

Prize Claim Email Notifier example – includes winner’s prize image along with your custom message:

You can customize the email notification and add instructions on how to claim. You may want to turn off Priiize’s email notifier and direct the donors to a landing page on your site that processes their information.

Each winner’s data is collected on your Priiize dashboard and is available to download in Excel or CSV or send data to your CRM program or Google Sheets via Webhooks.

Play the live Demo – Scenario #2 game template for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code.

Free scratch-off card graphics to download and use. Explore our free scratch-off card images.

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Tradeshows: Scenario #3

Capture New Business Leads at Your Tradeshow Booth Using the
Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim Template.

This template example is excellent for collecting names, email addresses for list-builder campaigns and other pertinent information.

You can use your tablet at the show, or attendees can play on their mobile device, laptop, tablet, or desktop outside the convention, Zoom meetings, virtual tradeshows, etc.

Tradeshow attendees come to your tradeshow booth and play and claim their prize in front of you or receive it by mail or email.

You would provide players the game URL as a link to the game QR code to scan. You can send the way-to-play by email or SMS text blasts or display the QR code on signage. If they play on your device at the booth, sending the game URL or QR Code is unnecessary.

The opt-in template starts with the standard Opt-In form with custom fields set for “Business Email” and “Company Name.” You can set up any other fields you desire. The Opt-In data passes through and is collected on your Priiize dashboard. You can download the reports in Excel, CSV, or PDF.

The winner claims their prize on a prize claim form and will receive an email notification after approval.

Prize Claim data is collected on your Priiize dashboard and can be downloaded in Excel, CSV, or PDF. Use a Webhook to integrate collected game data in real-time with CRM platforms, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Email Notifications, etc.

If a winner does not fill out the claim form, you will still collect their contact data on the front-end Opt-In form, so you don’t lose the lead.

Play the live Scenario Demo #3 game template for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code. excellent

This demo uses a Priiize animated GIF background that is free to download and use. Explore our free scratch-off card images.

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Tradeshows: Scenario #4

Business Lead Magnet – the
Scratch & Win + Opt-In Template.

This template example is suitable for collecting names and email addresses on the front end before they play. It is excellent for list-builder campaigns.

Use your tablet at the show, or attendees play on their mobile device, laptop, tablet, or desktop outside the convention.

If you choose to do so, you could have tradeshow attendees use their devices to play your Priiize scratch-off cards. In this scenario, you will set “NEXT PLAY” to “NEVER AGAIN.”

Tradeshow attendees can claim their prize at the tradeshow or receive it by mail, email, or in person from a sales rep.

You would send them the game URL as a link to the game QR code to scan. You can have them play on your tablet at the show, send the game URL or QR code by email or SMS text blasts, or display the QR code on signage.

This template starts with the standard Opt-In form with custom fields for “First Name,” “Last Name,” and “Business Email Address.” You can add other custom fields with a click. Opt-in form data is collected on your Priiize dashboard and downloaded in Excel, CSV, or PDF.

The winner can pick up their prize at your tradeshow booth, or you can arrange to deliver it to them using the contact information on the Opt-In form.

Prize Claim data is collected on your Priiize dashboard and can be downloaded in Excel or CSV.

Play the live Scenario Demo #4 game template for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code.

Tradeshows Scenario Demo #4.
Priiize Scratch-Off Card Maker.

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7-Day Free Trial.
No credit card is required.

Watch a game being built for you.
You decide if Priiize meets your needs.

Start building.
Maximize engagements at your booth!

Use Priiize Scratch-Offs for Lead Captures at Tradeshows - Expos - Job Fairs - Convention Centers - Exhibition Halls - Fairs.

We are known by the brands we keep.
Priiize is trusted by top brands worldwide.
Top Brands use Priiize Scratch-off Games

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